Joana Saahirah´s World Blog

A Collection of Articles, Videos, and Freebies on Egyptian Dance, Self-Discovery & Empowerment

The Forgotten Pillars of authentic Egyptian Dance

I´m speaking to you from a place of Magic

Yes, Magic. 

I don´t know where you´re coming from, if you´ve been involved with Egyptian Dance for a long time, on a deeper or a shallower manner. I don´t even know how much you desire to take from this dance or what you have in store for it - because we give and we take from it - but one thing I know for sure:

There´s a Magic in authentic Egyptian Dance that can save us. It has saved me again and again,...

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She showed me what was possible🌟

Once upon a time, a time that seems distant and yet so close, I had an awakening.

A Tunisian artist called Leila Haddad was going to present an Oriental Dance performance at "Culturgest", one of the most prestigious theatres in Lisbon, Portugal. 

Leila dragged a fascinating culture behind her. Her photo on the poster of the performance smelled of cumin and "bokhour" (incense); her ellusive presence promised a magic I´d never witnessed.


At the time, I knew...

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What I learned in 2023🎉

Joana Saahirah World
What I learned in 2023🎉


Growing older is inevitable - the privilege of the ones who live to tell; growing up is optional.

And what I´ve observed is that most of us grow older without ever growing up.

 One of the reasons why we don´t grow up is because we refuse to learn from life experience. 

I´m a compulsive learner. Give me a course, a book, a podcast, any great learning tool, and I´m a happy girl.

Yet, I know that there´s no better school than life experience.

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Murder at The Oriental Café


This is not what you think. And certainly not what I expected.

When I moved to Egypt, during the official - bumpy - start of my career, I experienced the infamous cultural shock. I also suffered from the even more infamous "colonizer´s syndrome".

I criticized. Pointed fingers. Couldn´t understand how locals thought, felt, and behaved. 

I grabbed, perhaps tighter than I should, to my values and perspective on the world, presuming they´d be superior to the ones I was...

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Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About

Joana Saahirah World
Truths on Self-Confidence nobody Told you About


Am I Self-Confident?

We can affirm that I am. Most of the time. 

I believe in myself - my inherent value, talents, and ability to make great things happen. 

Sometimes, I fall off that wagon - big time. Life throws me a punch and I doubt myself, I go back - even if for just a moment or a short season - to a disempowered place of victimhood, lack of self-trust, and amnesia. But, make no mistake, I know my way back home.



You can tell when you´ve gone astray...

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3 Things that Instantly Change Your Life

Joana Saahirah World
3 Things that Instantly Change Your Life


The obvious isn´t that obvious - here´s something experience has taught me; something I tell my students, frequently.

In other words, in our search for the extraordinary, we ignore the power of the ordinary, the simple, what´s right in front of our eyes.


In a time when everyone and everything seems to exist at a high speed - too fast, if you ask me -, we need to slow down, take a step back, and reconnect with what truly matters.


In this blog post - 3...

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3 Principles of Self-Empowerment



Self-Discovery & Empowerment are essential parts of my work. They´re also, in my experience, an indissociable part of Egyptian Dance.


When I first wrote about it - in my first published book "The Secrets of Egypt - Dance, Life & Beyond" -, I was criticized, ridiculed, and not-so-secretly hated. That was in 2013, the year the first edition of the book came out. 


Today these concepts have become trendy and plagiarised.

I could tell...

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Random Pleasures that Feed my Soul

Images that speak more than words

A couple of pleasures that feed my soul

Consider it basic self-care. Rituals of self-preservation. Routines that nurture what is human in me


A creamy cappuccino, come rain or come shine.

Sprinkled with cinnamon or dark chocolate. 




Reading them, above all; smelling their pages; browsing bookshops; discovering new books; last but not least, writing books (I have two published; more on the way).




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Give it to Yourself


Picture this (sorry in advance for the unpleasant image):

I have my period. 

I´m exhausted. Gloomy. Feeling like hell. And my inner demons crawl out from under my bed, like in a terror movie. 

On the mirror, I see a distorted reflection of a woman I used to know. I look at my swollen belly and aching breasts - I sigh; I turn around and observe my butt, my thighs, my back. For some reason I don´t care to scrutinize, I don´t like what I...

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The Souhair Zaki effect



Every dancer has a moment that has changed her, or his, life; the perspective they have on dance, music, themselves. 


Some times, those turning points are negative - I´ve heard terrible stories of dancers traumatized by teachers, colleagues, audiences, employers -; hopefully, and in many cases, those turning points are positive. Dance and life changing.


I´m privileged to have several of those moments, the ones Oprah would call "ah ah moments", in my...

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